“The breast is largely made up of fat and breast tissue. Breast tissue comprises lobes containing lobules that produce milk, and linking ducts that carry the milk to the nipple during breastfeeding.”
What does breast meant to you?
“meant to nurse the children but the fathers end up playing with them?”
“something that some men often mistook for eyes. so many times i have to remind people my eyes are on my face.”
“Its important to feel confident and attractive.”
“To the next guy i meet. If he can’t deal with my breast fed, sagging non existent boobs (ya… tiny boobs sag too) .Then he probably can’t deal with life itself”
“I think it’s how men view women as what’s attractive and women being objectified since young”
“Talking of boobs. It’s affecting my self confidence quite a bit sometimes. Because I can’t find a proper bra that fits anymore after breastfeeding.”
“it’s one of the attractive parts of a lady”
“shows the curve of a lady”
“most important part of a woman”
“To me, just something nice to look at when a girls has a nice pair. I guess?”
” to play with…”
My View of Breast
Breast to me as a woman meant a stage of growth during puberty and hoping that it would get bigger as I grow which did not happen as big as I wanted of course. It grew to a size to a big B clost to C. Due to vanity reasons, I was always on a lookout for maximiser bra or putting on extra paddings in the bras. Any new designs promoting to enhance a seemingly bigger bust would always draw my attention.
Some might find the thought to be shallow, but hey I enjoyed being a woman and the assets that God gave. I was a typical case of an ugly duckling. No one would cast me a second look when I was in Primary/Secondary or even in Polytechnic. During Primary/Secondary school, I had short hair, wearing thick big frame glasses, oily skin, hairy hands/legs, badly rash eczema legs, tiny eyes due to years of glasses and thus totally unappealing.
After married and having kids, breast to me gave a different dimension. As a mother, I wanted the best for my kids and thus breastfed for 5 years. It is known that breastmilk is the best for babies compared to formula milk. After 5 years of breastfeeding, I saw my breast reduced from close to C and down to a miserable A. I lost my confidence dramatically when dressing and tops don’t fit well. I was fortunate to get a sponsored breast augmentation surgery.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
BCAM first started in the United States in 1985 is an international campaign organised by major breast cancer charities around the world and aims to increase public awareness of breast cancer, and to draw attention to the research and efforts being made to improve breast cancer treatment and prevention.
This year, I like to do it in a smaller way with a photoshoot of pink/white gowns to create awareness.
What is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer arises from a malignant tumour. It occurs when breast cells become abnormal and divide without control or order. Normal cells divide and produce in an orderly manner. Sometimes this orderly process is disrupted and cells grow and divide out of control, producing extra tissue to form a mass or lump called a tumour. A tumour can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The breasts are made up mainly of fat cells and gland cells. Milk-producing glands in the breast are made up of individual cells which normally reproduce under the control of hormones. Sometimes this process of reproduction goes out of control and an abnormal glandular structure develops. This is the beginning of cancer. The majority of breast cancers starts in the milk ducts. A small number start in the milk sacs or lobules. Source: National Cancer Centre Singapore
How common is Breast Cancer?
More than 25% of all cancers diagnosed in women are breast cancers. Between 2010 and 2014, about 1,856 women were diagnosed to have breast cancer in Singapore each year.
Nine out of 10 women who go to their doctors with breast lumps have a benign disorder, not cancer. Normal changes associated with the menstrual cycle can make breasts feel lumpy.
How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?
Clinical Examination – Especially if there is a lump or nipple discharge, or an unusual breast change is detected.
Mammogram – This is special x-ray imaging that can detect abnormal masses in the breast such as calcium deposits, cysts and tumours.
Ultrasound Scan – Used to examine abnormalities found the mammogram. An ultrasound scan can distinguish between a solid mass, which may be a cancer, or a fluid-filled cyst which is usually not cancer.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – A MRI scan can better assess areas of concern in the breast. This is particularly useful for younger women because this group tends to have higher breast tissue density, reducing the effectiveness of conventional imaging tests such as the mammogram and ultrasound in detecting breast cancer.
Where can I go for mammography screening?
Subsidised mammography screening is available to Singaporean women or Permanent Residents aged 40 and above with no known symptoms such as breast lumps or nipple discharge and who have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months, through BreastScreen Singapore, run by the Health Promotion Board in conjunction with several polyclinics. The cost is $50. Appointments must be made through the Breast Screen Singapore Hotline: 1800 333 3030. For more information, email or visit the HPB website.
Most hospitals and several clinics offer mammography screening at unsubsidised rates. The cost ranges from $80 to $200 depending on the facility. Most of these require a referral by a GP, followed by a call to make an appointment.
How to Do Self Breast Examinations
Breast cancer – Symptoms and treatment

The pins come in two designs:
(1) a regular pin that donors may get for a minimum donation of $2 each;
(2) a crystal encrusted pin for a minimum donation of $5
BCF hopes that the act of wearing the pink ribbon pins will help create greater awareness of breast cancer and spread the important message on early detection and breast screening.

Movement by Breast Cancer Foundation
Create your own Say #Breast Video for Breast Cancer Awareness today.
Step 1: Say Breast
Take a video selfie of yourself saying the word “breast” in public.
Step 2: Tag Friends
Nominate 3 friends or more on social media to do the same.
Step 3: Share Now
Share your post with the hashtags #Breast #BCFSG.
Find out more at
Trying my part to say and spell breast at in the same video. Bear with me for my efforts. Spread it on!

October 2016 – OPPO
By posting a photo of yourself doing the BCDab and nominating 2 friends, OPPO will donate $1 to support Singapore Cancer Society in the fight against breast cancer!

The proceeds of the hotel’s pink apron purchases will be donated to The Pink Caravan, a pan-United Arab Emirates breast cancer awareness initiative that is supported by The Pink Brigade, a charitable initiative that focuses on healthy lifestyles to help the fight against cancer.”
October 2016 – SMRT
SMRT Trains Cabins in an SMRT trains are decked out in pink decor to create awareness for October. The train, commissioned by the Breast Cancer Foundation (BCF) and supported by the Land Transport Authority, will feature local statistics about breast cancer.
21 October 2016 – YOLO
For every participant who runs shirtless on the race day, X-Change Republic Pte Ltd will donate a sports bra to BRAS (Breast Reconstruction Awareness Singapore), which is essential in the recovery process of patients. #RUNSHIRTLESS
October 2016 – ANJE Rebel Fit
Launching the latest beautiful Kairi Strong Support Top in Pink to support the Breast Cancer Foundation. $10 of the purchase will go to the #bcf.
This sports top is built to support and provide good padding. Available today online at: