“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” ~ Joel Osteen

2023 did not have a champagne popping start. It was fraught with challenges that both of my parents are sick and on 1 Feb, my dad went to a better place after fighting with colon cancer for 3 years and 5 months at age 69.
Now 12 days later, I still d0 not know how to react to the grieve I am supposed to feel. I guess life gotta go on. I need to live well for those I love and care about. I looked at my mom on her 66th birthday and thought back on how different she looked just a couple of years back and feel much heartache. I am sure I would breakdown real bad when the time comes for her. For now, I wanted her to be happy and well. Life is short with so much things that we wanna accomplish so don’t forget to spend more time with those you treasure.

I recently bought a small cozy place which I had so much beautiful memories of me running around the area as a child with my friends and explored the food joints. The school, no longer around except for the building left me feeling so deeply for the area as my classmates were all staying nearby then. Going swimming, library, resident committee and eating the peanut ice kacang were all our favourites.
I would be working with kind partners to build up this nest with my 3 kids. A nest they would love to come home. More to share as the partners are being finalised at this stage.
With the restrictions lifted as covid becomes a normality, work/leisure trips are definitely in the pipeline. So do hit me up if you would be there then.
Mar/Apr 2023: Korea/Taiwan/Japan
June 2023: Dubai
I had stopped blogging for some time. This new website is created with this segment for me to share on my life journey and leave a footprint that you could walk with me and explore this beautiful world. The journey of an entreprenuer, marketer, beauty queen, influencer and a mom, not forgetting me co-founding Girlboss.asia where I do hope to inspire more ladies out there. The facinating roles which I need to play and enjoyed every moment. So do subscribe and stay tuned to all my updates!