Its Clovelle regular checkup for her teeth. Her condition for her frontal teeth had always not been very good due to the fact that I was latching her till she was 33months and had to stop as Dr Lim advised to savage her teeth hopefully till she is near to 6 to 7 years. She has the habit of latching at night and the breastmilk stays within the mouth. I tore myself away from this stage and decide that I need to wean her off to save her teeth.
Here the gals were playing at School Dental Centre while waiting for Clovelle turn to see Dr Lim Wan Yi. I would really like to compliment her patience with kids, her expertise to do the best for them like she had done for Clovelle and its such a breeze getting Clovelle to go dentist now that she looks forward to the conversation during the treatment and stickers given after by Dr Lim.