Baking Adventure – Milo Chocolate Muffin & Orange Cake

Its Jayden 1st Children’s Day celebration at NHPS and everyone is supposed to contribute some food. Besides the normal tidbits, I planned prepare some simple bakes. After much deliberation, I decided to make Milo Chocolate Muffins and Jayden’s favourite Orange Cake. 

I guess I cannot go wrong with chocolate stuff for kids so after researching on some recipes. Baked 2 rounds so that I can have enough for his classmates, teachers and the gals who are also fond of chocolatey stuff. My 1st attempt with this recipe, modified with low sugar and quite happy with the result. The gals ate 4 at a go! Definitely a satisfaction for mummy who missed her lunch just to bake!

Before it goes into the oven…

Anticipation: My 1st attempt with this recipe

Tadaa… My final product!

All ready to go!

Forgot all about the main cast oranges when I was preparing the ingredients… Blur me… Quickly got my maid to help me grab a couple at our nearest NTUC. Today’s oranges are not too sour which is good. Squeezed a good amount of fresh orange juice and the aroma of the cake spoke for itself with its tangerine smell about 20mins into the baking. I did a quick decoration on the cake with a heart shape and feeling positive that it turn out right. 

Really glad to have bought a double layer cupcake holder to transport the food to the school tomorrow. Will update again on the celebration in class. Excited…

Baked with Love šŸ™‚
Heart Baked
Done at last!


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About me
Celestia Faith Chong

A blessed single mom of three kids, Celestia came from a humble background with a roller coaster life journey. Single-handedly, she overcame the challenging hurdles and strived for success.