Exploring Louis Vuitton Series 3 Exhibition in MBS!

We all know brand this is. Well, a brand that had kinda grown up with me and quite a classic. I was curious on what this exhibition was all about and dropped by to take a look. I was welcomed by this various 3D displays when I first entered.

Hard to resist not to take photos right?

Listening attentive to the guide as she explained how LV started.

Do I look very much as the model sitting beside her? LOL..

Our guide did a really fantastic job in going through the various segments.

Our next segment allows us to have visual hands on experience on how LV bags are made.

I was working very hard (virtually) to make a bag. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB!

Followed on by the fashion runways where the models sashay LV products on international grounds.

I was kinda tempted to try doing catwalk here too but kinda shy as there were people around. Hahaha…

This was one of my favourite segment as the whole room was brightly lit and looked like a modern version of Louvre Museum in Europe featuring both the latest designs and antique pieces dated way back.

This was one piece I had to snap as it was a luggage case used by a royalty. These pieces were all covered to protect them from damage and shipped over just for this exhibition.

There I go trying to look my best, this was just too beautiful a place not to take more photos.

Limited edition for bag for SG50! Make a guess how much is this?

A “Live” demo of how bags are sewed.

Last stop where you could relax with some finger food and each of us was given a poster and 5 stickers.

I would definitely be back so such an exhibition be in Singapore again. At the end of the day, how often do you get to experience a luxury brands with such visual treats to the eye!


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About me
Celestia Faith Chong

A blessed single mom of three kids, Celestia came from a humble background with a roller coaster life journey. Single-handedly, she overcame the challenging hurdles and strived for success.